Lonely Artist

Comic about an otter and a honey badger. Buy it Here:


lonely artist, issue 1

A comic based around two anthropomorphic characters – an otter and a honey badger. This 36 page, first issue focusses on the otter character.

Mary Guo: cover art, stories and illustration. TBun: stories, layout, some illustration.


lonely artist, issue 2

A comic based around two anthropomorphic characters – an otter and a honey badger. This 36 page, second issue focusses on the honey badger character.

Mary Guo: cover art, stories and illustration. TBun: stories, layout, some illustration.


lonely artist, issue 3

The theme of this issue is video games, inspired by all the games we played during lockdown.

Digital version is out!

Buy it here

Mary Guo: cover art, stories and illustration. TBun: stories, layout, game design.